
To conduct activities to support and assist the growth and development of the Lynchburg Museum System


Established in 1998, the Lynchburg Museum Foundation is the non-profit support organization for the Lynchburg Museum System, which manages the public museums and archives of the City of Lynchburg. The Foundation supports the Museum System in its role as the city’s primary center for collecting, interpreting, preserving, and sharing local history and culture. It is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization as recognized by the IRS.

Learn more about the Museum System here.


When the Foundation was established in 1998, its original board of directors included the following individuals:


Mary Morris Booth
Daniel C. Bowman
Robert D. Bradley
John D. Doyle
Dr. Robert D. Gardner
Dr. Janice Keith

W. Randolph Nexsen
David T. Petty, Jr.
Dr. Clifton W. Potter, Jr.
Marc A. Schewel
Elizabeth Shiers
Richard B. Worthington, II


The organization was restructured in 2008–2009 to bring better cohesion between the Lynchburg Museum and Point of Honor. It now equally oversees and supports both sites.

Board of Directors

The Foundation’s board consists of the same people who serve on the Lynchburg Museum System Advisory Board. Click here to see the list.

Mailing Address

Lynchburg Museum Foundation
P.O. Box 529
Lynchburg, VA 24505

Physical Address:
901 Court Street
Lynchburg, VA 24504